While I’m here, I think I’ll show off a bit of what I’ve been up to lately. As you can see by the punny post title, I’ve been making merch


There’s a question mark in there because… well, I’m back. I haven’t posted anything in a while… in fact, I’ve ignored the site pretty much wholesale. And It is good


If you’ve seen my portfolio, you’ve likely noticed that the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Sudbury agency gets a lot of attention from me…          


Welcome to GeoffMorton.ca.


Imagine my excitement a few weeks back when I randomly checked out Anna Nalick’s artist section on iTunes to find “At Now”, the eponymous lead single of her new album.


What began as a one-off Mars design has turned into something else. I got rid of the name of the artwork (though I kept it as a variation of the


A couple weeks ago I was browsing the newest (at the time) National Geographic in the store, and I stumbled upon a striking image of an astronaut. The issue was


Earlier this year I bought a bunch of really good books on Alternate Movie Posters: Alternative Movie Posters by Matthew Chojnacki https://www.amazon.ca/Alternative-Movie-Posters-Film-Underground/dp/0764345664 Alternative Movie Posters II by Matthew Chojnacki https://www.amazon.ca/Alternative-Movie-Posters-II-Underground/dp/0764349864


Back in 2012, the Executive Director of the Greater Sudbury Big Brothers Big Sisters asked me for a poster for that year’s Bowl For Kids Sake. The theme was “Pirates”,


Work continues… The hand and lightsaber are obviously still very rough. Fans will no doubt say “Hey, that’s not Luke’s old lightsaber from the movie! And it’s gold!”… and yeah,
